Tamper Evident Security Envelopes
- Custom made envelopes are available with multiple receipts, with a tear-off perforation and individual serial
numbering. - Easy-to-handle bags and self-adhesive strips come with clear and simple sealing closure instructions.
- Printing to edges on our tamper evident bags prevent cutting and re-sealing of the sides.
- Alphanumeric Bar Code and Serial Number with matching receipt.
- Matte white address panels can be written on using normal ball point pen.
- Optional consignment pocket to hold accompanying shipping documents.
- Proprietary double-sided welding to prevent side cutting and resealing.
- TE Bags are made of Co-ex film which is resistant to oil, water and rough handling, and is 100% recyclable.
- Hidden tamper-evident markings are revealed when the security tape is tampered with.
(Please refer to our Data Sheet for additional information on our TE Bag Security Tape features.)